Q: Can parents purchase Chromebooks on the day of orientation?
A: YES! Check in will take place in the Vincent Building. The Bursar is also located in the Vincent Building. Payments may be made in the Bursar’s office between 10:30am-1pm (check, cash, credit card). *Note - There is a 2% processing fee when paying with a credit card.

Q: When is locker and buss pass pickup? Is it during orientation or prior?
A: Students will go to two separate locations for bus pass and locker pickup. Bus Pass: Mrs. Marianne Carr (Forum) / Locker Pass: Mrs. Donna Auger (Scarpa Building)
Locker/Bus Pass Pickup Schedule:
Tuesday, 8/13:
8:00-12:30 and 4:00- 7:00
Monday and Tuesday, 8/19, 8/20: 8:00 - 2:30
Thursday, 8/22: 8:00-2:30 (11am-1pm during freshman orientation pictures is a great time!)

Q: Are students able to arrive early for the Freshman Orientation on August 22?
A: YES. Students are welcome to arrive as early as 11am in Full Uniform for ID Photo’s. Students are asked to arrive 12:30pm at the latest. Final ID photos will be taken just before 1pm.

Q: Does our student arrive to Orientation in full uniform?
A: YES! Members of the class of 2023 will arrive in full uniform (buttondown, tie, jacket) for class pictures. After taking the picture, students will change into casual clothing for the remainder of orientation.

Q: Are parents to stay on campus Thursday until pictures are completed?
Parents are welcome to stay for their son's pictures, but it is not a requirement. We will have a storage area for winter uniforms in the event that family members are not able to bring them home.

Q: Freshmen football players have a scheduled practice on Aug 22 from 7:30am - 10:30am. Do they have access to showers before pictures/orientation?
A: YES. Showers will be available in the Basketball and Swimming locker rooms in the Forum.


Q: What should members of the Class of 2023 wear to the brotherhood Ceremony on August 26?
A: Full Uniform (buttondown, tie, jacket).

Q: Does my son take the bus on the first day of school or do we drive them for the brotherhood ceremony?
A: YES! All busses will be running on the 26th.

Q: Will there be handicap seating at the Brotherhood Ceremony?
YES. Faculty and staff will be present to assist with all handicap needs for the Brotherhood Ceremony.

Q: Is there a restriction on who comes to the Brotherhood ceremony?
A: There are no restrictions on the amount of family members attending the Brotherhood ceremony.

Q: Would a senior brother present his jacket to freshman brother at the ceremony?
A: YES. Seniors with brothers in the Class of 2023 will be called down to the main stage just prior to the ceremony.


Q: What school supplies do we need to buy?
This will vary based on teacher/class. Traditionally we like to ask our students to arrive with their Chromebook and a notebook. In the opening days, each teacher will relay their classroom necessities via their course syllabus. 

Q: What is the start and end time of the regular school day?
A: 8am-2:30pm (M,T,T,F) / 8am-2:35 (W)