Arrival Parking | Lots F & G (see campus map)

11:30am-12: 30pm | Check-In in Vincent Center Lobby - Admissions Ambassadors will help facilitate arrival and parking.

11:30am-1pm | Student Photos - Students will wear a tie and blazer and report to Spina Gymnasium. Students must be in proper dress code (no facial hair, earrings, long hair). These photos are for the yearbook and Student ID Cards. Parents will depart (with student's uniform) after pictures are taken. The students will receive the Class of 2024 Orientation T-Shirt (bring sneakers and shorts to change into) Light lunch/snacks and Faculty Icebreakers will be available in the Dining Hall for students who have completed their class photo.

1:15pm | Opening Prayer - Fr. McStravog (Consalo Dining Hall)

1:20pm | Class Profile - Mr. Valore - Director of Admissions (Consalo Dining Hall)

1:45pm | UNITAS Program Introduction & #SA2024 Group Assignments (Consalo Dining Hall)

2:15 pm | Rotational Tour of Campus

  • Athletics - Mr. Rizzo & Mr. Broomell

  • Campus Ministry - Mr. Zagarella, Mr. Casolaro, Br. Dave & Student Ministry Team Members

  • Technology - Mrs. Broomell and Mr. Garufi 

  • Guidance - Mrs. Castelli

  • Senior Advice - Admissions Ambassadors

  • Third Semester - TBD

3:45 pm | Academic Discussion & Schedule Run Through | Mr. Cappuccio - Dean of Academics (Consalo Dining Hall)

5:00 pm | Dinner with Unitas Groups (Consalo Dining Hall)

5:45 pm | Leadership Discussion - Dr. Puggi - Dean of Student Leadership / Mr. Hale - Asst. Dean of Student Leadership (Consalo Dining Hall)

6:15pm | Fun / Games / Dessert (Open Gym / Turf)

7:15pm | Rehearsal - Brotherhood Induction Ceremony (Rodio Gym)

8:15pm | Evening Prayer Service - Fr. Murray Location (Forum Grass Field) - Parents welcome to attend!

8:30pm | Departure and Pick Up - All parent/guardian pickups will take place in the Forum Parking Lot (Lot A -see campus map)